Investment Criteria
Community Impact Ventures will make investments in for-profit companies in support of the fund’s impact mission. The investment would generally be focused on seed or start-up funding.
Investments vary widely and depend upon the scope, potential for growth and viability of the opportunity. Investments can range from $75,000 to $200,000.
Our investment thesis is that we will achieve top quartile venture capital returns while focusing our investments on innovative companies that are the drivers of social change creating measurable impact in sectors such as healthcare, education and literacy, financial services, technology, and the environment.
Our thesis is based on our experience in the private equity and public company investing world, significant work in social impact through Someone Else’s Child’s efforts and our engagement in the world of non-profits and impact investors and how they think about “impact”.
Our investment fund is in search of high returns in innovative companies that are solving problems for the future of our children and our children’s children.